Journey Of Hope Through Passion Week

Jesus PREDICTS His Death

Journey of Hope Through Passion Week  Jesus PREDICTS His Death

Passion Week – What is Passion Week? The events that took place during the week before Jesus experienced his death on the Cross. In as much as, Jesus knew He was going to die HE deliberately prepared his followers of what they were about to experience.

  Although, Knowing his death, he longed to spend as much time with his LOVED ONES as HE Could. Wouldn’t we do the same?

The last week (Passion Week) with the disciples. Jesus shared so much with they knew the predictions from Isaiah 53 as possible for He knew HIS time was short. In addition, Jesus told many parable as well as, Predicting His Death. As we approach Easter I am so appreciative of my Catholic upbringing.

As much as I learned the disciplines and doctrines then still I cherish many today. I love how they recognize Lent! Not one year goes by when I am not reminded to fast to thank Jesus for ALL he did for us when he died on that cross on that first Good Friday!

Thank you Jesus, for dying for our sins. You were hated and rejected by man! Yet you gave your life for me! 

He was despised and rejected by man

“He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Jesus bore our Suffering

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Isaiah‬ ‭53:3-5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Remembering what Jesus did gives us the victory! Victory not only over sin and death but grief, & suffering, by his STRIPES we have health. He longs to give us a life of abundance full of His Mercy & Joy. For it is the Joy of the Lord that gives us strength! 

BUT GOD ….  Has a plan! 

Unfortunately, often we must endure the agony of loss, suffering as we watch others hurting, discouragement and times of despair as we watch evil win. 

Jesus Death Gives us life! A life Eternal! 

Perseverance builds character and strength. My Strength comes from the Lord. The Lord has not only restored my Joy but I have found my Hope Restored, My Mind Renewed, and My Body ReEnergized. 

Reading Isaiah 53 I am reminded of all that Jesus bore to save me from my own sin and shame! His Rejection, His suffering, the blood He shed, Jesus was beaten beyond recognition suffered in agony to bring healing to us. The Word says by HIS stripes we are healed!    

Pray with Me

Jesus,  as we approach Good Friday & Easter your Resurrection help us to stop and truly remember we have Hope we can share! Today as people’s hearts are hurting turn their eyes to YOU fill their longing with your Holy Presence. Lord Jesus, Keep our minds focused on you! As we go through Passion Week make us aware of all YOU did and do for us!

Thank you Jesus for choosing to die on the cross for me!! Use this time to cause people to begin to hear your Words! To know and come to the knowledge of You Jesus as their Lord & Savior! For by your precious blood 🩸 that you shed on the cross for  us that we are healed. Jesus, thank you so much for dying on the cross to bear all our grief, suffering, agony of our hearts that we might live with abundance of your peace your presence which fills our hearts with joy. In Jesus name. Amen

Thank You Jesus! There are is #AlwaysHope  #PassionWeek  

Watch Facebook Live Yesterday Lent Day 40! Palm Sunday the masses give Jesus HONOR! To begin Passion Week!

Jesus predicts his Death and resurrection! 


For More Information…

There is #AlwaysHope #NeverGiveUp  #PassionWeek #WhatIsPassionWeek

 #BeStill  #WhoAmITrusting  #JesusAnointed  #JesusRestoresMySoul #AnointingOfJesus  #Valerian  #GodAnointsMyHeadWithOil  #YouAreNotAlone  #Emanuel  #GodWithUs  #FeelingAlone 

#JourneyOfHopeThroughLent #PowerOfTheResurrection #Lent #JesusDiedForYou #CatholicsFast  #WhyDoCatholicsFast. #DrawCloseDuringLent  #WalkInHopeOfThingsToCome 

#HopeForTheHurting #YoungLivingEssentialOilValerian

#YoungLivingEssentialOilSpikenard #YoungLivingEssentialOilAncientOilsOfTheBible


Sharing Hope And Healthy Living 

#ThereIsAlwaysHope #AlwaysVictory #VictoryInJesus #VictoryOverGrief  #AlwaysHope #Catholic #HopeForTheHurting

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