Lent Day 30 Focus on Faith
Journey of Hope Through Lent – Lent Day 30 Focus on Faith
Where is your focus? Will you focus on faith or fear?
Let’s determine to Focus on Faith! How do I do that when it seems life around me is in An uproar? We have to change our focus.
Just watch a sunrise (carefully ofcourse), actually, I watch it through my camera as the sun rises whatever is within the suns rays the sun penetrates it’s splendorous rays all surrounding life begins to fade away.
Fix Your EYES on JESUS!
If we change our focus to our fix our eyes on Jesus, life’s struggles will fade away, the uproar will diminish in our hearts. As we, Focus on Faith by fixing our eyes on Jesus we stand in Faith.
What is Faith? Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Although we may not see the answers to the problem our mind will change. As we Focus on faith We will be able to walk in peace, walking in peace we don’t live in anxiety! Our body stays strong! Our Hope is Restored, Our Mind is Renewed, and Our Body is ReEnergized.
Therefore, We must follow Jesus one step at a time! He will Restore Hope
Finally, if you have enjoyed Journey of Hope Through Lent Focus on Faith, Join me as I take this Journey of Hope for the next 10 days!
There is #AlwaysHope #FaithNotFear #HopeForTheHurting #LentDay30 #WhereIsMyFocus #BeStill #WhoAmITrusting #HeRestoresMySoul #GodAnointsMyHeadWithOil #YouAreNotAlone #Emanuel #GodWithUs #FeelingAlone
#JourneyOfHopeThroughLent #PowerOfTheResurrection #Lent #JesusDiedForYou #CatholicsFast #WhyDoCatholicsFast #DrawCloseDuringLent #WalkInHopeOfThingsToCome
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