Journey of Hope through Lent
Day 1 No Jesus NO Hope!
If you KNOW Jesus you WLL Always have HOPE!

No Jesus NO Hope! Know Christ an Unshakable Hope
If you KNOW Jesus you WLL Know HOPE!
What is Lent?
First Of All what is Lent all about? A time, 40 days, to prepare your heart, for Jesus‘s death and resurrection. To Know Christ an Unshakable Hope!
Why should we Participate in Lent?
Why should we participate in Lent? Lent is a time to get to know who Jesus is. Love of Jesus Christ Fills our Heart with unshakable Hope therefore when we are acquainted with Jesus, cling to an unshakable hope, in as much as if you don’t have Jesus in your life then you are hopelessly searching. Therefore, begin today on your Journey to of Hope through Lent. Find Love of Christ an Unshakable HOPE! Endow yourself with a new awareness of the Bible to fill the emptiness of your heart through this Lenten devotional 40 Days to Know Jesus
Fasting is common in the Catholic Church. Why fast? We fast to die to ourselves and draw closer to know who Jesus, and his Father more personally! Is something missing in your life? Do you have an emptiness, and a longing for purpose? Then you must keep reading. Allow th Love of Christ to Fill your Heart with Unshakable Hope
Jesus Fasted and prayed for 40 Days. Why?
Jesus, went into the wilderness for 40 days fasting and praying to his to prepare for his Ministry, to draw close to his Father as our example. He defeated the enemy the devil at the end of his FAST. However, the devil tempted Jesus beyond belief,
A Time to Reflect
Lent is a time to reflect on all that Jesus did. Today is the first day of Lent, won’t you walk with me to draw closer to Jesus, Identify what it means to walk in the power of HIS resurrection achieving VICTORY in your life finding the Love of our Redeemer an Unshakable Hope
Join me as I take this Journey of Hope through Lent for the next 40 days! Sharinghopeandhealthyliving check out my Facebook Videos
There is #AlwaysHope #HopeForTheHurting #KnowChristAnUnshakableHope #JourneyOfHope#PowerOfTheResurrection #Lent #JesusDiedForYou #CatholicsFast #WhyDoCatholicsFast #DrawCloseDuringLent #WalkInHopeOfThingsToCome