A Journey Of Hope through Lent
What is Lent? Searching for Hope in a Hopeless World!
What are the keys to victory over hopelessness? Restore Hope, Renew Your Mind by transforming your thinking from depression to joy and ReEnergizing your broken body to become the best you can be?
3 Keys to discover
- The key to victory is to intentionally grasp onto Hope
- Choosing to correctly transform your thinking
- Move forward to recharge your body by sacrificing
Today, you may be mourning, depressed, and weak but you can be strong in your weakness. Jesus suffered and died on the cross for you. Lent is A Perfect time to search for answers as you divulge into scripture for new revelation and answer the question deep within your heart “what am I missing, why do I feel empty?” on your Journey of Hope through Lent
What is Lent?
Today we will discover What Lent is ? A time to refocus to grow stronger in your weakness. As you begin this Journey of Hope through Lent make choices to go forward In Search Of Hope through fasting, meditation and prayer, searching for Hope Who Jesus is and what He has done. It will change your life!
Follow this link consecutively daily for the next 40 days as we embark on this Journey of Hope through Lent sharinghopeandhealthyliving.com Discovering all new transformation of thinking I will share practical ways to draw close to the Lord; to Restore Hope, Renew your Mind and Re-energize your Body!
Remember, there is #AlwaysHope! #NeverGiveUp
Lent Day 1 – NO Jesus, NO hope!
Know Jesus, Know Hope! Jesus Loves you!
What is Lent? Lent is a time to say no to yourself and begin a spiritual awakening, get to know who Jesus is. If you know Jesus, you know Hope, However, if you don’t have Jesus in your life then you have no Hope. I am going to be sharing how YOU can Find Hope in a Hopeless World.

Why Fast in Lent?
Lent is a time to fast and pray! To sacrifice things of the flesh in exchange for spiritual awakening.
Today is the first day of Lent, won’t you walk with me to draw closer to Jesus, To walk in the power of his resurrection in your life! During Lent allows a person time to reflect on all that Jesus did for you.
Therefore, Join me as I take this Journey of Hope for the next 40 days!
Why fast in Lent? Many Churches fast, accordingly, the Catholic Church fast is a sacrifice to your on self. Why fast? We fast to die to ourselves and draw closer to know who Jesus, and his Father more personally! Jesus, went into the wilderness for 40 days fasting and praying to his Father as our example.
There is #AlwaysHope #NeverGiveUp #HopeForTheHurting #JourneyOfHopeThroughLent #PowerOfTheResurrection #Lent #JesusDiedForYou #CatholicsFast #WhyDoCatholicsFast #DrawCloseDuringLent #WalkInHopeOfThingsToCome #WhatIsLent
HopeForTheHurting #HealthyLivingWithOilyBlessings
HopeForTheHurting2017.wordpress.com Join me for the Next 40 days as we we embark on this Journey of Hope through Lent https://www.Sharinghopeandhealthyliving.com
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