Looking for Hope?

Are you Struggling with Fear, Depression, Hopelessness, Anxiety, and Without Purpose?

Look to the Lord He is my Help!

“I look to the Lord for help at all times, and he rescues me from danger.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭25:15‬ ‭Good News Translation 

Are you struggling with fears, hopelessness, and anxieties of life bringing you to tears? 

Are you looking for Hope today?

Struggling to find Hope in the disarray?  

Today through all your tears 

Searching through all your fears to find Hope

In the midst of wars and rumors of wars, a life of chaos, searching for peace, finding it hard to cope. 

So, today I send you a little Hope! 

A ray of sunshine through the storm

A glimmer of hope of life retuning to the norm. 

A soft fragrance of a freshly mown grass 

Remembering this too will soon pass. 

A dark & dreary world covered in winter white, reminds us life’s nourishment is often under a soft blanket of snow so bright. 

We wait in HOPE feeling low, for the returning freshness of spring’s pureness of new life ready to burst from below. 

Remember There is #AlwaysHope! #HopeForTheHurting #HopeForTheHurting2017.wordpress.com

I continue to pray for you. May your Faith grow in God, may his Love,  peace, and goodness fill your lives with the power of Hope to replace fear with Faith and Trust. 

I will be sharing Hope through this blog.  Let me know if you or anyone you know needs a little dose of daily hope. 

If you or someone you know are hopeless and in need of a #DailyDoseOfHope. 

 Sign up, send me your email today for a daily post to come right to your phone or email. 

 There is #AlwaysHope #NeverGiveUp

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