Why is it called Labor Day if we are not Working?
Happy Labor Day!
I hope you are well and have enjoyed your summer. What a fantastic summer! We certainly loved sharing time with family and so many precious Friends. I even completed a video at Mack Lake Learning to Be Still. I hope you are able to enjoy it as much as I!
As I was thinking of you this morning wondering if you are ready for fall? One of the Best things about Fall
Fall Fragrances have fill the shelves.
Ready for an enjoyable fall trip? Are you Traveling with Confidence?
I continue to pray for your safety strength, health, hope and encouragement. Remember There is #AlwaysHope
I love #SharingHopeAndHealthyLiving through Bible Studies, classes, in Home or online.
Is there any way I can pray specifically for you today?
Sign up for your Fall/Winter Classes
1. Traveling with Confidence
2. How to send my kids Back to school safely Back to School
- Is my Home toxic? How can I Detox my home
- Fall Fragrances to support immunity
- Inspiring Hope
- Toxic-Free Fragrances
- Toxic-Free Cleaning
- Toxic-Free Alternatives
- Winter Wellness
- Essential Oils 101
Send me and email Classes sharinghopeandhealthyliving@gmail.com
to schedule your class or sign up online at Calendly on our new Website INSPIRE HOPE