Overcome grief and hopelessness; As the deer pants for the water….
David is in deep anguish, he is mourning, his Grief and Hopelessness were overwhelming him. How about You? Recently, We have lost so many loved ones and friends. We are in agony over many things in society! We wonder “ Is God truly hearing our prayers.” “If so where is He?” “Why are people dying?”

As the deer pants for the water so my so longs for YOU, my Lord.” Why does David long for the Lord? He is filled withGrief and Hopelessness
Are Grief and Hopelessness overwhelming you? Often during difficult times it feels like God does not hear our prayers. I’m here to reassure you God does hear your prayers!
Learn to do as David did.
He asks him self “why so downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for yet will I praise him, my Savior and my God”
Continue to talk to yourself! What?
Stand In Faith clinging to Hope!
We must continue to stand in Faith God has a plan for your life. God is in control, nothing is a surprise to HIM. Even if you have lost your job.
YOU will get through this! No Matter what you are facing God has a plan!!! When we begin to slow our lives down. We will learn to cherish our family. Perhaps a new opportunity to work at home will arise. As you persevere you will become stronger! You will Overcome!
You will Overcome Grief and Hopelessness!
Romans 8:28 says “ we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose.
There is Always Hope, Never Give Up
There is #AlwaysHope #NeverGiveUp #HealthierLifestyle #HowToBeHealthy#HopeForHurting#VictoryOverDrugs #SharingHopeAndHealthyLiving
For more Encouragement and hope follow Https://www.Sharinghopendhealthyliving.com or Hopeforthehurting2017.WordPress.com
I have found Young Living Essential Oils Believe and Hope have carried Me through.
Hope & Healthy Living Coach Laurel | Healthy Living With Oily Blessings
There is #AlwaysHope #Hope #HopeForTheHurting #HopeForAHealthierLife #HealthyLifestyle #YoungLiving
