Have you ever wanted a Healthy Alternative to Sugar Loaded Gatorade?
Then Keep Reading!
I Make my own Healthy Gatorade.
I Make my own HEALTHIER-ade
It’s Perfect for my morning Workout!
24oz Water bottle filled with filtered or Spring water.
3 droppers of mineral essence
1/2 tsp of Amino Wise
1/2 tsp Mega Cal
2tsp Braggs vinegar
I/tsp Himalayan sea salt.
In addition,
add 2 scoops of Inner Beauty Collagen for muscle building proteins!
You will be astounded at how it awakens your taste buds! Why? It catches sweet, sour, spicy and salty taste buds.
Off for a bone strengthening Workout
Keep following for more tips and ideas for a stronger Journey to Health!
Check out my HealthyLivingWithOilyBlessings@Youtube.com
Getting Stronger